About Me


My history in photography has mostly been self-taught. My father lent me a camera when we went to a Grand Prix and I instantly loved it. He taught me everything he knew and many a Saturday morning was spent at the local camera shop! I was then given my first SLR, a Minolta, that I loved and took everywhere. Soon we were turning the basement into a darkroom where I developed and printed my photos giving the entire house a wonderful chemical aroma!

The move to digital took some persuading, but 6 years ago a friend let me play with her DSLR, a Canon, and I soon upgraded and never looked back to film. There are times when I miss the process of developing the negatives and seeing the image come through in the chemical trays, but being able to see the picture instantly certainly has its advantages.

My poor children are the subject of a great many photographs, mostly happily, and my friends and family have endured years of a lens being pushed in their face.

Having spent most of my life behind a camera I am now wanting to turn my passion into something more and be able to do something I truly love. There is something so special about being asked to take photographs for someone, no matter what the occasion, perhaps just a Thursday! Then to show them the photos and see them remember the moment.

Memories live forever but a photograph brings that memory to life again and again